Friday, May 31, 2013

100,000 EVs -- more info

I mentioned in the 5/23 post that I had heard there were now over 100,000 EVs on the road. 
A little more detail:  That figure is 100,000 "plug-in vehicles" - this includes pure EVs (like Nissan Leaf) and ALSO plug-in hybrids of the various types (parallel operation like the Toyota Prius and serial operation like Chevy Volt)

Here is the story:

And here you can see the Plug-in vehicle "counter" (showing 102,662 at this moment!)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

EV news -- bad, bad, and (maybe) good

Better Place – bad
Fisker – bad
Tesla – good.  Tesla talking yesterday about a cross-country charging network.  I think they have a good product with the “S” that many more would buy… IF they can get the price a little lower.
Better place:
My friend Andre riding in the Tesla Roadster

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Electric vehicles - EV

I'm hearing today (from a reliable source) that there have now been 100,000 EVs produced!

More as I get details.

-- David