Thursday, December 31, 2009

Draft Recommendations for America’s Energy Future
(from "the Village Square")

1. Diversify energy sources to minimize economic risk.
2. Make 50-year decisions despite 4-year terms.
3. Bank on correct principle, not prophecy.
4. When possible, let the market find the solutions .
5. No one size fits all: Seek local solutions to specific local energy demands.
6. Scale matters. So pay attention.
7. Our economic health is tethered to electrical energy generation.
8. Energy independence is a national security issue.

These were the proposals made at Tallahassee’s “The Village Square” ( at it’s January 8, 2009 meeting as part of it’s “Powering Up: America’s Energy Future” series.

Featured speakers were:
Susan Story, President and CEO, Gulf Power. Story emphasized that we need to keep ALL the energy options on the table.
Sam Kalen, Van Ness Feldman. Kalen advised that we match the energy options in time and technology.
Barry Moline, Florida Municipal Electric Association -- Moderator